
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Is That Her?

Dedicated to my mother- Anna Sue Ward Tollman

The soothing music like salve on my heart
It melts over the open spaces
Fills them in
So I can cry for a little while

It’s just a little mother bird chirping
To let her babies know she’s is flying away
But will return with food
When they hear her voice
They know everything will be okay

Last night I longed to hear the mama bird
But she has flown away
To a higher tree
So distant that I can’t hear her voice
I strain and turn my head sideways
Cup my hand around my right ear
To pick up a faint note that might be hers

Someone’s singing and strumming a sweet sound
The rhythm and tone cover my heartache
I feel my being swell, nearly burst
There it is, hear it?
Shh, listen
She’s singing to me
I lay my head on the pillow
And fall asleep

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today I am content to drink my coffee, listen to Pandora Music, and write.
Today I am enjoying the fact that I have a pile of wood on my garage and that I can make a huge fire in my wood stove that will keep me warm all day.
Today, I am grateful that all my children are in good health.
Today I am appreciating that I can think about my life, review the good and the bad, and realize that it all brought me to right here, which is exactly where I am supposed to be.
Today I am glad that I can tell people about things that I used to be ashamed of, and I understand that some things are not my fault.
Today I see why I love Rhianna so much. Although she is from a different world, we are sisters in a club that I didn't ask to be a member of.
Today I am realizing that it is my job to keep talking, keep walking, keep writing, keep sharing because God gave me a voice and a passion.
Today I write because I need to and want to and because I want to heal. Writing is the salve that closes my wounds.
When the words hit the page, the knitting begins.
Today new skin begins to grow and I feel like taking a walk outside because the soft wind won't hurt anymore.