
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Ranch

 I'd like to go somewhere

And discover myself

I'll drive you

I'll help you pack

It was a short drive that seemed to last a month

His playlist, his life

Sister in the backseat, like a supportive backbrace

Helping to hold you up till you could collapse

And feel what you needed to feel

To cry the tears you couldn't cry then

For the first time, I know that my hugs and kisses

won't help

I place you in the hands of others

And I find peace because I know you are walking on your path

Your journey, to find your place in life

Thank you Tim

Dear Tim,

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for you
What you give me
Your endless patience, kindness, generosity
You didn't know what this would be
Yet, you said yes.
Your quiet strength and anchor
Helps me to keep steady on the path
That God laid out for me
You forgive me so easily
And coax me out of my shell
When I get scared
You hold me when I cry
And laugh with me when I chuckle

I am free now
Free to love you
Free to be your mate
Because the heavy weights are slowing sliding
off my shoulders
Your hands point me to the place
Where I need to lay my burdens down
You show me how to carry them to another place
You place wings on my burdens with your wisdom

I am so deeply grateful for your love