Feeling whole, feeling small
And free and capable
All the big jobs in front of me
Seem small
How can it be?
With God at the center of it all
Relying on His power, and strength
Which I have confidence in
All that I must do…seems like a simple
The mountain in the distance
Well, I don’t even see it when I am holding God’s hand
I only see the green valley, and the butterflies
And crickets and the sun’s rays filtering through
The leaves on the giant oak by the creek.
I am able to stay in the moment, not look behind me
Or try to stretch my neck to see what’s on the
Other side.
I can stand, survey my surroundings, and see the beauty
Right where I am.
Listen to the sounds of the brook
Look into the water at the animal and plant life
That is so abundant
No longer obsessed with ‘getting’ up and over
The big gray rock.
I can even sit on the grass
And admire the little caterpillar that is so colorful
That is nearly under my feet.
My desire to actually stay where I am, increases, to admire
All the blessings in my vicinity, so abundant.
I am in awe and shocked that I was trying to get away
From what I thought was a ‘bad’ place.
It is actually a beautiful place,
A serene place.
But fear created clouds and shutters
that blocked out my ability to see all of this.
When I cling to man, and expect him to give me this peace,
Then it slips away.
When I hold on to eternal truths: God promises for a good life
God’s amazing power and grace, God’s desire to bless me
God’s unfailing love, God’s mercy, God’s perfect plan for me
God’s infinite wisdom, God’s bridge to mankind-making himself a man
In the name of Jesus, so that he could come to earth, that same man that
Created the whole universe, the earth and everything from the very beginning
When I can dwell on these truths---then abundant peace flows through my veins.
And the view from where I stand is beautiful.
And the view from where I stand is beautiful.